Star Line

Judging platform

An integral element of a swimming pool’s safety system. Provides a convenient way to get in and out of the pool.


      • Material:
      • AISI 304/316 stainless steel.
      • Dimensions:
      • 418 Ɨ 1045 Ɨ 150* mm (W Ɨ H Ɨ D)
      • * dimensions of the shown handrail. Different

sizes are available.

Related Products

      • Material:
      • AISI 304/316 stainless steel.
      • Dimensions:
      • 418 Ɨ 1045 Ɨ 150* mm (W Ɨ H Ɨ D)
      • * dimensions of the shown handrail. Different

sizes are available.


AISI 304/316 stainless steel

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